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Wagner Flexio iSpray Front-End Nozzle
Wagner Flexio iSpray Front-End Nozzle
Wagner Flexio iSpray Front-End Nozzle

Wagner Flexio iSpray Front-End Nozzle

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The iSpray® nozzle is a patented Wagner® design that allows for painting the broad interior or exterior surfaces with unthinned coatings. The iSpray® will deliver a light texture finish when spraying unthinned latex and smoother finishes with thin-bodied materials such as stains and lacquers. The nozzle is designed with flow rate control as well as pattern settings for horizontal, vertical, narrow, and wide. The Wagner® exclusive Lock-n-Go® technology allows for this accessory to be quickly switched for material change and easy cleaning. It can be used with most Wagner® HVLP products.


  • Sprays broad interior or exterior surfaces for fast coverage and project completion
  • Designed for use with most Wagner® HVLP sprayers including PaintREADY® Sprayer, PaintREADY® System, Control Spray™ Double Duty, Control Spray™ Plus/Max, and FLEXiO®
  • Features adjustable flow control with 4 spray pattern settings including horizontal, vertical, narrow, and wide for precise spraying
  • Lock-n-Go® technology allows for easy separation from the turbine and nozzle assembly which easily cleaned with water (for latex paints) or mineral spirits (for oil-based)
  • No-wear parts for long life
  • Lock-n-Go® technology allows for easy separation from the turbine
  • Nozzle assembly cleans off easily with water (for latex paints) or mineral spirits (for oil-based)
  • Includes cup, suction tube, and nozzle head




Please note that 0529014 and 0520006 are the same item

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