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K'A'RCHER IB 7/40 Adv Dry Ice Blaster

K'A'RCHER IB 7/40 Adv Dry Ice Blaster

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The dry ice alternative to pressure washing and sand blasting

Blast off.
Soiled molds, parts and machines are often difficult to clean. Sandblasting leaves behind spray agents like sand or glass granulate, requiring cleanup after cleaning. Dry ice pellets evaporate completely into carbon dioxide (CO2), leaving nothing behind. Kärcher ice blasters use compressed air and dry ice pellets to remove rubber residues, oils, grease, parting agents, dyes and more from machinery and other surfaces. No abrasive residues are left behind and the machines do not need to be disassembled to be cleaned. The IB 7/40 Adv includes a jet gun with integrated remote control and requires very little compressed air, making it ideal for use on existing compressed air systems.

1 Clear display

  • Easy to read values
  • Large buttons and electronic control system

2 Outstanding mobility

  • Optimum balancing for convenient maneuvering on uneven terrain.
  • Bars at the front and rear of the device make navigating stairs easy.

3 Automatic residual ice discharge

  • The ability to empty the residual ice tank at the touch of a button prevents the device from icing up once work is complete.

4 GFRP dry ice container

  • Insulation keeps dry ice at optimum tempurature.
  • No condensation.
Current type ~/V/Hz 120/60
Connection load kW 0.6
Sound pressure dB(A) Max. 99
Casing/frame Stainless steel
Weight excluding accessories lbs 155
Dimensions (L × W × H) in 20 × 30 × 43
Hose connector Claw coupling (DIN 3238)
Working pressure PSI 29 -145
Volume flow CFM 18-124
Compressed air quality dry and oil-free
Blasting pressure PSI 29 - 145
Dry ice pellets Ø in 0.1
Dry ice consumption lbs/h 33 – 110
Dry ice tank capacity lbs 33

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