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Devilbiss DeKups 24 oz Trial Kit (1587573817379)

Devilbiss DeKups 24 oz Trial Kit

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Want to try out Devilbiss' DeKups 24 ounce System without investing a lot of money? Or perhaps you only paint a few times a year and will never use the 36 cups included in the 29953 starter kit. Now Eastwood offers the DeKups Trial kit. This kit includes everything you need to paint right out of the box.

Devilbiss DPC-43 adapter (fits Tekna guns)
24 oz reusable sleeve and lid
8 disposable 24oz cups
5 shaler plugs
200 micron filter
300 micron barrel filter
Measuring guide and easy to follow instructions

The Dekups system saves time and money.

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