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Devilbiss DAGR® Gravity Airbrush, .35mm (1587327238179)

Devilbiss DAGR® Gravity Airbrush, .35mm

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Get creative with the DeVilbiss DAGR™ airbrush.

Crafted to provide excellent control, lightweight and balanced for comfort. DAGR's standard removable 1/3 fl. oz gravity cup and available 1/4 fl. oz and 1/2 fl. oz cups allow the artist to size the cup to the artwork, saving refill time and material. For small areas, the artist can choose to use no cup at all. DAGR features a choice of four trigger buttons, customizing the airbrush fit and feel to the artist's style. The solvent proof, Teflon® needle packing will not deteriorate with automotive paints. With a copper, nickel and chrome plated body, each DAGR™ airbrush is hand tested, and precision-made in the U.S.A. As with the rest of the DeVilbiss product line, service parts are available. A collector's storage tin is included with every DAGR™ airbrush.


  • Features performance and versatility for the automotive artist
  • Excellent control
  • Hairline detail to high paint-flow shading and gradual fades
  • Smooth double action trigger; pre-set handle for precise control of paint flow
  • Sprays automotive paints to water based inks

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